torsdag 3 april 2014

USA: Poliser som dödade campande uteliggare, dödade ny man - Vittne: Hade mobil - inte pistol

Polisen i Albuquerque, USA, som nyligen sköt ihjäl en campande uteliggare är i hetluften igen. Nu har de skjutit ihjäl en annan man, efter ett larm om att en pistol riktats mot ett barn. MEN, vittne på platsen säger att mannen som poliserna dödade den här gången, riktade en mobiltelefon och inte en pistol mot barnet, och var i övrigt obeväpnad. Utöver den händelsen publiceras videos på ännu en liknande ny skjutning från samma polisavdelning...

- Albuquerque Police Kill Another Man; Sister Says He Was Holding Cell Phone, Not Gun...

911 call ends in another officer-involved shooting for APD

Publicerad den 26 mars 2014 - Information Liberation
But the suspect's sister told KOB she saw the entire incident. She said her brother was holding a cellphone, not a gun.

From KOB:
Albuquerque police confirm a man shot by officers Tuesday night has been pronounced dead at a local hospital.
APD Chief Gorden Eden said officers responded to a 911 call that a suspect had pointed a gun at a juvenile at an apartment complex in the 200 block of 60th Street.

According to Eden, officers established a safety perimeter in the area and attempted to communicate with the suspect prior to the shooting. Eden added that "the suspect exited the apartment with a firearm, and fired the firearm," prompting police to fire at the suspect.

But the suspect's sister told KOB she saw the entire incident and said her brother was holding a cellphone, not a gun.

A video uploaded on YouTube early Wednesday claims to show the shooting scene. It appears to show the same apartment and a chaotic scene. In the background, a person who is believed to be the suspect can be seen.

Several people scream and the sound of shots fired can be heard. The person in the video then falls to the ground and people run toward him.

The suspect, identified as Alfred Redwine by his sister, died at the hospital.
- Police say they're "investigating." 


---Ytterligare skjutning med polisen i Albuquerque--


U.S. Marshals Shoot Unarmed Man in Albuquerque, Seize Cell Phone Cameras from Witnesses

April 2, 2014 Source:

WARNING: Graphic footage and language.

As Albuquerque residents take to the streets to protest against the ongoing slayings of citizens by their local police department, federal agents got into the act by opening fire on an unarmed man Tuesday morning, then seizing cameras from witnesses.

But more citizens with cameras arrived on the scene as a group of U.S. Marshals stood around the victim, Gilberto Angelo Serrano, proving unafraid to voice their displeasure at the trigger-happy culture that apparently has seeped into all levels of law enforcement in Albuquerque.

Realizing they were outnumbered by cameras, the U.S. Marshals could only ask people to stand back, not bothering to try and stop them from recording as they tried to wrap a bandage around the head of the man they had just shot, who was laying on the sidewalk bleeding.
Read more

Fmr NM Governor Gary Johnson Says Police Brutality Is A Problem Nationwide Not Just Albuquerque

 Publicerad den 2 april 2014

Jaktsäsongen på hemlösa inledd i USA - Polisgäng fällde "olagligt campande jaktbyte"

"Den årliga jaktsäsongen på hemlösa" har tydligen börjat i USA och de jaktintresserade och välbeväpnade amerikanska poliserna ville givetvis vara ute på fältet och fälla några byte i vildmarken. På bilden ser vi hur ett jakt-gäng av motiverade poliser har ringat in sitt villebråd och avlossar sedan en svärm skott för att vara säkra på att det hjälplösa bytet dör omedelbart... (viss satir kan förekomma?)


USA: Protester mot dödsskjutning slogs ner med tårgas och XL-batonger av säkerhetsstyrka

Efter USA-polisens senaste dödsskjutning/avrättning i New Mexico av en campande hemlös man, så anordnades lokala protester och demonstrationer. 100-tals människor visade sin avsky mot polisstaten och dagens militärutrustade poliser "med elitens tillstånd att döda"...
Polisen i Albuquerque har lyckats skjuta ihjäl minst 23 personer under de senaste 4 åren, vilket är "något" mycket i en stad som har 550 000 innevånare...
USA: Polis som dödade campande uteliggare, dödade ny man - Vittne: Hade mobil - inte pistol

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