lördag 25 oktober 2014

USA: "10 Terroragenter" med dragna vapen - slog till mot "otillåten logga" på 40 damtrosor

USA-Kansas. - Den stackars amerikanskan, Peregrine Honig, säger att hon bara ville fira stadens hemmalag när hon ritade sin logotyp och designade de "Lyckosamma  Kungliga Pojkshortsen."  40 stycken damtrosor med loggan "KC- Take The Crown," hade tryckts upp för att säljas i "Honig’s Birdies Panties shop," en liten affär för romantiska damunderkläder i Kansas, USA...(video)
...Men plötsligt kom 10 beväpnade agenter med dragna vapen på besök för att straffa den grova intellektuella brottsverksamheten och copyright-terrorn.

Agenterna gjorde razzior både hos tryckaren och i affären för damunderkläder. De konfiskerade samtliga trosor och lade dem sedan noggrant i bevispåsar...

"- Boy, vi verkar vara tillbaka i Kansas igen..."

Tryckaren berättar hur Homeland Security gjorde razzia med dragna vapen och handbojade honom
- för att han tryckt upp 40 trosor...

Publicerades den 22 okt 2014
A small business owner said Homeland Security had their guns drawn as they raided his shop all because of underwear he printed.
Mission Creeps: Homeland Security Agents Confiscate Women's Panties For 'Copyright Infringement'
2014-10-23 InformationLiberation
Homeland security's mission has transformed from fighting terrorists to stealing women's underwear for supposed intellectual property violations.
Peregrine Honig says she just wanted to help celebrate the hometown team when she designed Lucky Royals boyshorts.
 The panties, with “Take the Crown” and “KC” across the rear, were set to be sold in Honig’s Birdies Panties shop Monday. But Homeland Security agents visited the Crossroads store and confiscated the few dozen pairs of underwear, printed in Kansas City by Lindquist Press.
 “They came in and there were two guys” Honig said. “I asked one of them what size he needed and he showed me a badge and took me outside. 
- They told me they were from Homeland Security and we were violating copyright laws.”
 She thought that since the underwear featured her hand-drawn design, she was safe. But the officers explained that by connecting the “K” and the “C,” she infringed on major league baseball copyright. (The officials involved could not be immediately reached for comment.)
 They placed the underwear in an official Homeland Security bag and had Honig sign a statement saying she wouldn’t use the logo.
This would be considered a trademark violation, not copyright, I'm not sure if the victim misunderstood the agents, or the agents themselves were clueless (regardless, both laws are crazy).
What's interesting is how since the department's inception their goal was never to stop terrorism but to police the domestic population, be it through raiding toy stores for suspected copyright infringement one year after the department's creation back in 2004, or panty raids as they just did in Kansas now ten years later.
When there is no actual terrorists to police with all the high-tech police state gear you spent billions of taxpayers' dollars on, you have to use it somewhere.


 'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'
USA: 10 Terroragenter med dragna vapen - slog till mot "otillåten logga" på 40 damtrosor

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