onsdag 26 november 2014

Lite svinn får man räkna med? - Det krävs 28 döda civila för att mörda en utvald "terrorist"

Lite svinn får man räkna med? - I militära kretsar kallas det ibland "collateral damage", fast vanligt folk utan psykopat-gener uppfattar sannolikt företeelsen som folkmord istället. "The Bureau of Investigative Journalism" har sammanställt statistik som avslöjar att det krävs minst 28 civila dödsoffer för varje död ledande s.k. terrorist...
USA har under åren lyckats avrätta en hel del människor med sina drönare. Felprocenten vid drönaravrättningar verkar ändå vara "aningen hög" för att längre ens kunna imponera på den genomsnittsarrogante medborgaren?

It takes 28 civilian lives to kill a single terrorist leader – UK human rights group

RT 2014-11-25
Eliminating a specific terrorist leader is a ‘targeted killing’ according to the US. However, Britain’s Reprieve human-rights group calculated that it takes about 28 innocent lives to take out a single terrorist leader, often with multiple drone strikes.

The UK human-rights group gave The Guardian the latest statistics (November 24) compiled by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism, on collateral damage from American drone strikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen.

- The statistics are the most striking in 10 years: attempts to kill 41 terrorist leaders resulted in the deaths of an estimated 1,147 people, the vast majority – civilians and families.

“Drone strikes have been sold to the American public on the claim that they’re ‘precise’. But they are only as precise as the intelligence that feeds them. 

There is nothing precise about intelligence that results in the deaths of 28 unknown people, including women and children, for every ‘bad guy’ the US goes after,” said Jennifer Gibson, who headed Reprieve’s study.

Over the decade of ever-intensifying drone strikes in countries Washington has never actually declared war on, thousands of civilians have been killed - something the US has consistently denied.

“The only people we fire a drone at are confirmed terrorist targets at the highest level, after a great deal of vetting that takes a long period of time. We don’t just fire a drone at somebody and think they’re a terrorist,” The Guardian cited the US Secretary of State John Kerry as saying at a BBC forum in 2013.

Yet the statistics speak for themselves: it takes dozens, sometimes hundreds of lives to eliminate a single Al-Qaeda or Taliban warlord.[...]

Läs mer:

Collateral Murder (2007)

Lite svinn får man räkna med? - Det krävs 28 döda civila för att mörda en utvald "terrorist"

'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

1 kommentar:

  1. --AP: U.S. Mercenaries Working With Al-Qaeda No Scandal - Just A "Difficulty"--

    Moon of Alabama September 15 2014:

    There are serious active preparations for a new attack on Damascus. Anti-government forces, including the Al-Qaeda affiliate Jabhat al-Nusra, have been trained and equipped in Jordan and are now moving into their starting position in Quneitra governate in south-west Syria.[...]





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