torsdag 4 december 2014

USA vägrar använda ordet "tortyr" i kommande rapport om USA:s "tortyr" - Används ordet USA?

Den sedan länge emotsedda amerikanska rapporten angående CIA:s världsomspännande tortyrverksamhet förmodas bli släppt i nästa vecka. Det uppges att rapporten om tortyr under inga villkor kommer att innehålla just ordet "tortyr...." Bilden ovan: - Amerikanska trygghetsarbetare bjuder en törstig brun gäst i färgglada kläder på ett vänligt glas vatten...

Senate “torture report” won’t use the word “torture”

CIA torture report to be published on Monday without the word 'torture'

RT 2014-12-04
The long-awaited publication of the so-called “CIA torture report” is expected to finally occur early next week, but would-be readers, be warned: according to leaks, the executive summary will be absent any and all use of the word “torture.”
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-California), the chair of the United States Senate Intelligence Committee, now says that the public will be able to read the executive summary of her panel’s years-long investigation into the CIA’s use of enhanced interrogation techniques next week, with journalist Jason Leopold reporting that the release of the document will come as early as Monday.

After a lengthy back-and-forth between the Senate committee and the CIA, however, the 600 page summary that will soon be made public — less than one-tenth of the actual report — will be ripe with enough redactions and wordplay to still leave much of the agency’s post-9/11 practices a mystery.

“The summary is expected to reignite the debate over whether the CIA’s coercive interrogation techniques in the first years of the war on terror amounted to torture,” Josh Rogin and Eli Lake wrote for Bloomberg View on Wednesday this week.  

“Although the summary report is said to not use the word ‘torture,’ officials said it would describe practices that any layman would understand as torture.”
Läs mer:

“In the immediate aftermath of 9/11, we did some things that were wrong. We did a whole lot of things that were right, but we tortured some folks. We did things that were contrary to our values,” Pres. Obama said.

Waterboarding bara förspel i USA:s medeltida "nära-döden-tortyr" tillsammans med läkare

Waterboarding var tydligen bara förspelet i CIA:s tortyrprogram. En artikel i Storbritanniens "the Telegraph" avslöjar USA:s barbariska och medeltida "nära-döden-tortyr" tillsammans med läkare...

Tortyr & Folkmord blev "Trygghetsoperationer" i Tyrannernas och Medias Språklexikon 2014

James Corbett förklarar i en ny video språkets enorma betydelse för etablissemanget & media. De som äger språket - äger debatten. Exempelvis kan tortyr och folkmord idag 2014 rättfärdigas och tonas ner på äkta Orwellskt manér genom att kalla dessa barbariska akter för något mindre offensivt, som inte väcker anstöt hos den vilseledda mediepubliken - så att de fortsätter finansiera trygghetsaktiviteterna med sina skattepengar...
Bilder: - Amerikanska kärleksspridande trygghetsarbetare underhåller bruna fängelsegäster med roliga familjelekar i utbildningssyfte...

USA vägrar använda ordet "tortyr" i kommande rapport om USA:s "tortyr" - Används ordet USA?
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

1 kommentar:

  1. --CIA torture report could ignite unrest, Kerry warns--

    December 6, 2014 Source: Telegram

    Kerry called Feinstein to discuss the broader implications of the timing of publicly releasing a declassified summary of her committee's report "because a lot is going on in the world, and he wanted to make sure that foreign policy implications were being appropriately factored into timing," State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Friday.
    She said Kerry during the call reiterated the support of the administration for the release of the report on detention and interrogation, but "he also made clear that the timing is of course her choice."
    These factors to consider "include our ongoing efforts against ISIL and the safety of Americans being held hostage around the world," Psaki said.
    Tom Mentzer, a spokesman for the California Democrat, said he had no immediate comment.
    The Senate Intelligence Committee is poised to release early next week the first public accounting of the CIA's use of torture on al-Qaida detainees held in secret facilities in Europe and Asia in the years after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
    It will come in the form of a 480-page executive summary of the 6,200-page report by Democrats on the committee, who spent six years reviewing millions of secret CIA documents.
    According to many U.S. officials who have read it, the document includes disturbing new details about the CIA's use of such techniques as sleep deprivation, confinement in small spaces, humiliation and the simulated drowning process known as waterboarding. President Barack Obama has acknowledged, "We tortured some folks." [...]



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