lördag 7 februari 2015

Både krigsaktivist & nazi-sionist? USA:s McCain kallade fredsaktivister för "undermänniskor"

USA:s senator McCain, mannen som nästan blev USA:s president för några år sedan, kallade nyligen ett antal stillsamt demonstrerande fredsaktivister för undermänniskor och drägg. På översta bilden syns senatorn tillsammans med en av de syriska "moderata rebellerna" som USA sponsrar...
Rebellen på bild är även känd för att ha skurit ut inälvorna på en soldat och sedan ätit upp hjärtat, till ovationer från de övriga "moderata rebellerna" från ISIS & al-Qaida...


“Shut up or I’ll have you arrested….. low-life scum” – John McCain to anti-war activists

Publicerades den 29 jan. 2015
“You’re gonna have to shut up or I’ll have you arrested,” Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) told a group of anti-war protesters on Thursday, before going on to disparage them as “low-life scum.” The comments came during a televised Senate hearing featuring former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, which was interrupted by Code Pink activists. After calling for the arrest of the controversial figure, the demonstrators were also described by the senator as “despicable.”


John McCain’s Legacy of Bloodlust & Warmongering

Publicerades den 6 feb. 2015
Abby talks about Arizona Senator, John McCain’s call to arm the Ukrainian army with lethal weapons, and how this is just the latest in his line of war hawk policies.

Läs mer:

USA:s "galne McCain" - Fotokompis med rebell som skar ut hjärtat på soldat - och åt upp det...

Abu Sakkar, McCains demokratikämpe, "fotokompis" och allierade syriske kannibal-rebelledare, skar under maj 2013 ut hjärtat på sin motståndare och åt sedan upp delar av hjärtat... (Bloggen publicerade originalvideon av den sataniska riten 2013, vilken snabbt censurerades...)

Scumbag traitor McCain Threatens Obama With Bill Requiring US to Send Arms to Ukraine
Både krigsaktivist & nazi-sionist? USA:s McCain kallade fredsaktivister för "undermänniskor"
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

3 kommentarer:

  1. McCain satt för längre i jordhåla (under Vietnam kriget)..... schizofren på gränsen.... till kraftig våldsam utbrott...

    1. ...Han verkar fortfarande va kvar på samma ställe, mentalt.

  2. --Truth? We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Truth — Paul Craig Roberts--

    In the previous posting, The Grand Manipulation, I again wrote about the false reality that government manipulation of information and control over explanations creates for Americans and others who have subordinated themselves to Washington.

    Consider the “war on terror.” According to a Nobel economist and a Harvard University budget expert, Washington’s 14 years of war on terror has cost Americans a minimum of $6 trillion.

    That’s 6,000 billion dollars. This sum, together with the current PayRoll tax revenues is enough to keep Social Security and Medicare in the black for years to come. Without the vast sum wasted on the war on terror, Republicans would not have an excuse to be trying to cut Social Security and Medicare for budget reasons and to privatize the old age pensions and health care of people, thus turning Medicare and Social Security pensions into fee income for Wall Street.

    Combatting terrorism is the excuse for squandering a minimum of $6,000 billion dollars.
    What were the terrorist events that serve as a basis for this expenditure?
    There are five: 9/11, the London transport system bombings, the Spanish train bombing, the Boston Marathon Bombing, and the French Charlie Hebdo rifle attack.
    In other words, 5 events in 14 years.

    The loss of life in all these events combined is minuscule compared to the loss of life in the war on terror. Even the deaths of our own soldiers is greater. Washington’s wars against terror have caused more deaths of Americans than the alleged terrorist events themselves.

    But were they terrorist events? [...]




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