tisdag 9 april 2013

The FEMEN videos - Feminister på krigsstigen - Be Very Afraid

FEMEN på krigsstigen - Be Afraid. Be Very Afraid.
En samling videos från FEMENS senaste protester runt om i världen...


 FEMEN - "The Peaceful Al-qaeda," says they'll turn to guns
...if Necessary
Publicerad den 29 jan 2013
What began with a few protests in the Ukraine has spread across the globe, wherever the powerful meet and the media gather to cover them. They were at it again at the most recent World Economic Forum in Davos, purposely getting themselves man-handled by beefy security guards. VOCATIV caught up with them a few weeks earlier, as they trained a group of able-bodied, new recruits in Paris.


POPE NO MORE! FEMEN Protest at Notre Dame, Paris - France
Publicerad den 17 februari 2013


------Mannen är på väg att dö ut...------

RR 2013-04-04
Jennifer Graves, forskare vid Australiens nationella universitet, förklarade nyligen på ett sammanträde med landets vetenskapsakademi att den manliga Y-kromosomen, som avgör skillnaderna mellan män och kvinnor,  bör betraktas som ”skräp-DNA”. 

Jennifer Grave meddelade vidare att den är på väg att försvinna.
Enligt Graves är Y-kromosomen, som för miljoner år sedan innehöll mycket fler gener än den gör idag, på väg att tyna bort och kan slutligen komma att försvinna helt och hållet. 

Enligt biologen kan denna process dock ta ungefär fem miljoner år. :)

Om extremfeministerna i Sverige får bestämma lär väl tidsperspektivet för processen snarare ligga runt 5 månader..?


FEMEN : Go Rape Yourself

Publicerad den 5 apr 2013
FEMEN sextremists attacked International Porn Forum (Eropolis)of Le Bourget in Paris.
They interrupted a show staging live porn dolls while screaming "GO RAPE YOURSELF!".
Mainstream sex industry is allowing millions of user to download each day billions of disgusting images staging women in the most humiliating way as possible to satisfy the beasty lust of patriarchy.

FEMEN places sex industry at the same level as dictatorship systems and religious institutions. Those three machines are part of the same whole which we want to destroy.
FEMEN is calling women to rise up against this pukable industry which is feeding fantasies as rape and woman object, always submitted to men desires. Death to sex bosses, freedom for sex-slaves!


FEMEN activists strip in protest against Euro 2012

Publicerad den 9 jun 2012
FEMEN activists has staged a nude protest against the Euro 2012 championship in front of Warsaw's National Stadium. The activists are hoping to shed light on prostitution and the Ukrainian sex trade crisis.


-----Femen Ukraine----


FEMEN Protest Silvio Berlusconi 2013-02-24

Publicerad den 24 feb 2013
FEMEN Protest Berlusconi
Topless Activists Strip During Italian Elections At Polls

Three topless feminists lunged at Italy's Silvio Berlusconi as he arrived at a polling station in Milan to vote in a general election on Sunday, an AFP reporter at the scene said.

The young women had the slogan "Basta Berlusconi" ("Enough With Berlusconi") scrawled on their backs.

They were quickly detained by police and dragged away screaming in a chaotic scene as ordinary people also queued to vote at the school.

Police struggled to put their jackets and handcuffs on the women as they writhed in the snow.

The feminists broke through a line of journalists outside the polling station and jumped over some tables toward Berlusconi but did not reach him.

Femen har ändå mycket kvar att lära från t.ex.
- Anna Ardins Hämndskola




The FEMEN videos - Feminister på krigsstigen - Be Very Afraid

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