fredag 30 december 2016

USA:s bevis mot "RYSKA HACKARE" avsevärt svagare än Wikileaks bevis mot Elitpedofilerna i #PIZZAGATE

De så kallade bevisen som USA nyligen presenterat angående "ryska hackare" är avsevärt svagare än de bevis mot etablissemangets många pedofiler i #PIZZAGATE, som finns att läsa om hos Wikileaks. Oberoende journalisten, David Seaman, är såpass övertygad, att han vill se den pedofilanklagade lobbyisten John Podesta i elektriska stolen... (video)
Den amerikanska rapporten som påstås bevisa konspirationsteorin i media om s.k. "ryska hackare" nämner märkligt nog knappt Ryssland och har samtidigt fått en speciell paragraf tillagd där upphovsmännen och Homeland Security (DHS) avsäger sig allt ansvar för uppgifterna i rapporten. Således verkar det va upp till läsarna att avgöra om uppgifterna är riktiga eller Pentagons fejknyheter...

Report on ‘Russian hacking’ offers disclaimers, barely mentions Russia
RT 2016-12-29
As the White House and Treasury Department announced new sanctions against Russia over the alleged hacking of US elections, the FBI and Homeland Security released a report that offered supposed proof amid an abundance of disclaimers.

Given the incongruous name of “Grizzly Steppe, the Joint Analysis Report (JAR) on “Russian malicious cyber activity” issued by the FBI and the DHS National Cybersecurity & Communications Integration Center (NCCIC) on Thursday begins with the following disclaimer:

“The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) does not provide any warranties of any kind regarding any information contained within.”
Accompanying the report was a joint statement by the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and the Director of National Intelligence, explaining that the “activity by Russian intelligence services is part of a decade-long campaign of cyber-enabled operations directed at the US government and its citizens.”
The actual words “Russia” and “Russian” are mentioned only three times, with just 11 instances of “RIS” – a custom, catch-all acronym standing for “Russian Intelligence Services” without naming any. Both the FSB – Russia’s equivalent of the FBI – and the GRU, Russia’s military intelligence, were put on the US sanctions list on Thursday.

“The US Government confirms that two different RIS actors participated in the intrusion into a US political party,” says the JAR, identifying the two as APT28 and APT29.

*There is no indication anywhere in the document that these two groups are in any way connected with the Russian intelligence services, however.[...]

Läs också:


- Vad är egentligen PIZZAGATE och varför är "the spiritcooking" Podestabröderna i bilden ovanför spöklikt identiska med Madeleine McCanns eftersökta kidnappare? (Videos + uppdaterat 27:e nov)
- #Pizzagate censureras aktivt av bl.a. Facebook, Reddit, Twitter och givetvis mainstreammedia...

USA:s bevis mot "RYSKA HACKARE" avsevärt svagare än Wikileaks bevis mot Elitpedofilerna i #PIZZAGATE
'Journalism is printing what someone else does NOT want printed: - Everything else is public relations.'

2 kommentarer:

  1. BREAKING: Without Providing Proof, US Retaliates Against Russia for ‘Election Hacking’ — Russia Responds

    President Obama just amended a previous Executive Order allowing the United States to tangibly respond to Russia hacking the 2016 presidential election — but that claim has never been proven.

  2. BREAKING: Joint FBI-Homeland Security report fails to prove Russians behind Clinton leaks

    Joint report by FBI and Department of Homeland Security into Russian hacking allegations derided as 'childish' by IT experts; fails to prove Russians behind Clinton leaks.



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